WHEN I was younger I was a sharp dresser. I used to wear Kangol hats and gold-framed glasses, snakeskin shoes with belts to match. You couldn’t tell me a thing.
Grey Flannel cologne? Had it. Drakkar Noir? Had that, too. Joop! I still have a drop or two for special occasions. But back in the day, everything was a special occasion, so I had to make sure that I not only looked good in my leather pants. I had to make sure I smelled good, too.
My silk shirts and Giorgio Brutini shoes had to be accessorized just right. That’s why I made sure I had at least one herringbone chain on hand at all times. I was the man, you see, and I had to dress accordingly.
Of course that was the nineties, and in the nineties, that’s what you did.
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(Featured Illustration by Richard Harrington)