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Summer noise: Turn down for what?

Summer noise: Turn down for what?

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I LOVE SUMMER because the beautiful weather is enthralling, the long days are enchanting, and the events are entertaining. There’s so much to love I can’t fit it all in one column, so rather than trying to do that, I’ll just tell you what I hate about summer.

Maybe I’m a curmudgeon for saying this, but I can’t wait until it gets cold again. Not because I like cold weather, but because freezing temperatures curtail much of the foolishness that summer seems to invite.

When summer rolls around, a fleet of old cars hits the road with concert-quality stereo systems. As they roll through town, rattling their rusty fenders and flaunting their oversize tires, I am forced to listen to the profanity-laced musical stylings of MC Dumb Dumb. Maybe I could deal with it if the volume wasn’t set to Sonic Boom, but evidently, there are rules that keep the bass in your face.

If a car playing MC Dumb Dumb’s Greatest Hits near a family with children, the driver is obligated under Section 5 of the Cursing Rapper Accords to play said music as loudly as possible while repeating the words, “Turn down for what?”

Click here to read the rest of this Philadelphia Daily News column

Illustration by Richard Harrington

solomon thumbnailSolomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com. Click here to learn more about Solomon