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Why would a black minister endorse Trump?

Why would a black minister endorse Trump?

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When anger shouts haughtily over reason, and fear drowns out truth, honesty is sometimes lost in the din.

We see the efficacy of anger and fear in the presidential campaign, as candidates like Donald Trump focus their wrath on refugees and undocumented immigrants, and throngs cheer in approval. But while Americans wait for Trump to tell us how he plans to build a multibillion-dollar wall to keep our problems out, he gives precious few answers on how we’ll address the problems we harbor within.

I expect those kinds of shenanigans in politics. Campaigns, after all, have become reality show-style cage matches masquerading as public discourse.

However, I expect more from clergy leaders—and black ones, in particular. That’s why it’s so disappointing to learn that a group of black pastors will be meeting with Trump on Monday.

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Photo: Donald Trump grants Brent Roske a quick interview in the crowded lobby at Hoyt Sherman Place. By John Pemble / Flickr Creative Commons