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Top 5 Live-February 24

Top 5 Live-February 24

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Top 5 Live –WURD Tuesday February 24
 1. Local Fox News anchor uses racial slur to describe Lady Gaga’s music

A Cleveland morning news anchor used the racial epithet “jigaboo” while discussing Lady Gaga’s music on live television.

Kristi Capel, co-anchor of “Fox 8 News in the Morning” in Cleveland, was impressed with the pop star’s vocal abilities after hearing her perform a “Sound of Music” medley at the Oscars Sunday night.

“It’s hard to really hear her voice with all that jigaboo music that she does, or whatever you want to call it. Jigaboo,” she said on-air Monday morning, before laughing.


2. J. Assembly restricts use of controversial PARCC test

The New Jersey Assembly on Monday overwhelmingly approved a bill that would keep the results of a new standardized test from being used to measure student achievement for three years.

The legislation would prohibit the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers from determining a student’s placement in a gifted and talented program; placement in other programs or interventions; grade promotion; as a state graduation proficiency test; or any other school- or district-level decision that affects students. It also could not be used in teacher evaluations during that period.


3. Mall Threat ‘Not Likely’ to Inspire Attacks Soon, Feds Say, But Malls Prepare for Worst

In a video posted online Saturday, the al Qaeda-linked group al-Shabab urged Western followers to wage attacks like the one targeting a popular mall in Kenya two years ago, when a four-day siege tied to al-Shabab left 67 dead.

The video posted Saturday specifically mentioned the Mall of America in Minnesota, as a possible target, prompting the massive shopping center to conduct two drills Monday.

“Our top priority at Mall of America is the safety of all guests. These test drills help us to prepare for emergency situations,” signs posted in the mall reportedly read.


4. AG Kane accuses judge in leak case of bias

State Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s lawyers denounced Judge William Carpenter in a legal memo as Kane seeks to block a grand jury’s recommendations that she face criminal charges in a leak investigation.

The jury recommended that Carpenter hold her in contempt and that Montgomery County’s DA arrest her on charges of perjury, obstruction, false swearing and official oppression.

Kane, a Democrat, has denied an illegal leak and asked the Supreme Court to rule that Carpenter had no legal authority to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her.


5. Video shows Tate-Brown driving with lights on before cops killed him

VIDEO FOOTAGE from a 7-Eleven shows Brandon Tate-Brown driving with his lights on shortly before he was stopped by Philadelphia police Dec. 15 for allegedly driving with his lights off – an encounter during which Tate-Brown was fatally shot by cops.

Brian Mildenberg, an attorney for Tate-Brown’s mother, Tanya Brown-Dickerson, said private investigators obtained the footage from the 7-Eleven on Frankford Avenue near Dyre Street in Mayfair.

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon