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Sixers got it right, but Philadelphia has it wrong

Sixers got it right, but Philadelphia has it wrong

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WHEN SIXERS general manager Sam Hinkie traded Michael Carter Williams last week, he was carrying on a long Philadelphia tradition. We get rid of our best athletes, get little in return and trash them on the way out the door.

Need examples?

When the Eagles parted ways with Reggie White, one of the best defensive ends to ever play the game, they said he was greedy for aspiring to be paid like a top player. When the Sixers traded Moses Malone to Washington for Jeff Ruland, they claimed Ruland – bad knees and all – was just as good as Moses.

He was not, and no one was surprised.

Alas, our whole sordid history of cuts and trades make me want to shout in the voice of the late Sixers announcer Dave Zinkoff. “And now, joining center Wilt Chamberlain, wideout DeSean Jackson and the other guys we booted out of Philly . . . the point guard you know as MCW – Michael! Carter! Williaaaaaams!”

[Insert wild applause here.]

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon