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Say no to Trump Muslim ban

Say no to Trump Muslim ban

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ON SUNDAY, my son and I and watched President Obama speak from the White House in the wake of the deadly San Bernardino attacks that killed 14 and wounded 17 others.

I was numb as I listened. Perhaps I was still trying to grasp the reality. After all, the fact that Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his 27-year-old wife Tashfeen Malik, would walk into a holiday party at the San Bernardino County Health Department and kill more than a dozen people seemed farfetched, at best.

But Farook and Malik took 14 American lives. They did so, President Obama said, after “embracing a perverted interpretation of Islam that calls for war against America and the West.”

I watched my son as the president spoke. He was listening absently, in the way that 11-year-olds do.

When the president was finished, and I turned to my son to ask him what stood out in the speech, my son said, “We shouldn’t judge all Muslims.”

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Photo: Donald Trump speaking at CPAC. The proposed Trump Muslim ban has drawn mixed reactions from Republicans. Photo by Gage Skidmore / Flickr Creative Commons