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The Sandusky investigation missed the injustice

The Sandusky investigation missed the injustice

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THE INVESTIGATION that led to the 2012 child molestation conviction of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is over, but the fallout continues.

The latest salvo in the ongoing battle for the political high ground in the Sandusky affair came earlier this week, when Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (D) found that former Attorney General-and-current-Gov. Tom Corbett (R) was too slow in filing charges against Sandusky. In 339 pages, the report determined that Corbett’s investigation was not slowed for political reasons, but didn’t prove much more.

That’s a shame, because there was much to question about Corbett’s investigation. We could question his decision to take $25,000 in campaign contributions from board members of the Second Mile, the non-profit Sandusky founded and ultimately used to find his victims. We could question why it took years to search Sandusky’s home for evidence in the case. We could question why Penn State University, where Corbett is an ex-officio board member, was allowed to stonewall investigators.

Yet even if we had the answers to those questions, we wouldn’t be anywhere near the truth that matters.

Click here to read the rest of Solomon’s column on the Sandusky report at Newsworks

solomon thumbnailSolomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com. Click here to learn more about Solomon