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Safe Injection Sites Community Forum – Complete Audio

Safe Injection Sites Community Forum – Complete Audio

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Solomon Jones and Praise 107.9 FM teamed with every day Philadelphians to host “Safe Injection Sites: A Community Forum.” Neighbors had the opportunity to pose questions to city leaders after the Kenney administration, faced with a drug crisis that killed an estimated 1200 people last year, proposed Safe Injection Sites where intravenous drug users can inject drugs under medical supervision to avoid overdoses.

Click below to listen to complete audio of the February 9th forum that took place at Mt. Tabor AME Church in North Philadelphia.

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com and host of Your Voice weekdays from 10 to Noon on Praise 107.9 FM radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon.