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Kanye, Kim, Kylie, and Amber = drama

Kanye, Kim, Kylie, and Amber = drama

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After watching the video of Kanye West’s recent interview on Power 105.1’s “Breakfast Club” morning show, something that required so much coffee that my hands are still shaking a little, I’ve learned a few things…

When West told the world that Beyonce’ takes her cues from his wife, Kim Kardashian, I thought, “Dude, you’re taking on the BeyHive. I know you’ve seen that crew in action. You KNOW you ain’t ready and your wife definitely isn’t!”

I’ve learned that Kanye’s delusions of grandeur are getting worse. When West told the world that Beyonce’ takes her cues from his wife, Kim Kardashian, I thought, “Dude, you’re taking on the BeyHive. I know you’ve seen that crew in action. You KNOW you ain’t ready and your wife definitely isn’t!”

I’ve also learned, or at least confirmed, that West was talking about himself with the following lyric from “Gold Digger”:

So stick by his side

I know this dude’s ballin’, but yeah, that’s nice,

And they gonna keep calling, and trying, but you stay right girl,

But when he gets on, he’ll leave your ass for a White girl…

Is Kanye the worst big brother ever?

But the most important thing that I got from this latest brain dump from this particular fevered mind is that Kanye West is possibly one of the worst big brothers ever.

Now why do I say that? I say that because a good big brother, and I know what it means to have a good big brother because I had four, looks out for his little sisters.

“She’s a baby,” Amber Rose said. “She needs to go to bed at 7 o’clock. Have a glass of milk. That’s ridiculous. He should be ashamed of himself.  He has a beautiful woman and a baby and left that for a 16-year-old who just turned 17. Like, nah.”

FYI Kanye, giving a 25-year-old chicken hawk permission to push up on your 17-year-old sister-in-law is the opposite of that. In fact, my big brothers wouldn’t have let you leave the studio in one piece.

West was on the “Breakfast Club” because folks wanted to get his read on the fracas between his wife’s family and his ex-girlfriend Amber Rose.

Now if I understand this correctly, and I might not because I try really hard not to understand this stuff, Rose was asked in an interview about model Kylie Jenner’s relationship with Tyga, whom I guess is an entertainer of some sort.

Kylie is 17. Tyga is 25. Rose, who counts Toga’s former significant other Blacc China as a friend, said the relationship was inappropriate.

“She’s a baby,” Rose said. “She needs to go to bed at 7 o’clock. Have a glass of milk. That’s ridiculous. He should be ashamed of himself.  He has a beautiful woman and a baby and left that for a 16-year-old who just turned 17. Like, nah.”

That led Khloe Kardashian, Kylie’s big sister and the only person in the whole Kardashian/Jenner clan that I thought had a lick of good sense, to take to Twitter and come for Rose.

Kanye, Amber, Khloe, and the biggest Twitter fight ever

A spirited Twitter battle ensued that featured so much shade that it practically blocked out the sun. Kardashian said that Rose’s past as a stripper made her point invalid while Rose said that all she did was get naked to support her family…kind of like Kim did in the sex tape that made her famous.


Fast forward to West’s interview. He defended his in-laws and really, really slammed Rose in the process.

“It’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that’s with Amber Rose…,” West said. “I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.”

But I’m going to leave that, and Rose’s response to West’s comment alone right now. I’d rather focus on West’s approval of the rumored relationship between his little sister-in-law the model and the 25-year-old that I assume is some sort of entertainer.

“I think he got in early,” West said of Tyga. “I think he was smart. They closer in age than a lot of relationships I know.”


The world according to Kanye … and R. Kelly

Now I understand that in the world of the flashing lights things might be a little different than they are in other places, but I can’t help but think that some things are pretty universal.

Like, for example, 17 (year olds) will get you 20 (years in jail) if you’re 25 (years old).

Or at least it should. I’m still trying to figure out how R. Kelly, who did all sorts of things to underage girls on video, is making records instead of license plates.

I understand that in the world of the flashing lights things might be a little different than they are in other places, but I can’t help but think that some things are pretty universal. Like, for example, 17 (year olds) will get you 20 (years in jail) if you’re 25 (years old).

Whether folks want to admit it or not, a 17-year-old is still a kid. And unless things have really, really changed in this country, we look out for kids.

But with father Bruce Jenner trying to figure out what’s next for him (and it’s got to be tough dealing with a father who now wants to be your Mom), and with Mom Kris busily taking the concept of pimping to new heights, the people whose primary job it is to protect Kylie and her sister Kendall have kinda taken their eyes off the ball. So it’s the job of their siblings to do the looking out.

And if West is any indication, the phrase ‘epic fail’ isn’t strong enough.

Because let’s face it, Amber Rose is right.

When I was 17, I was a mature kid, but I still didn’t have anything in common with the friends of my older brothers and sisters. They talked to me more in a mentor-mentee manner. The thought of taking me out on a date wasn’t on the radar…and my brothers had no problem enforcing that.

So I found myself shaking my head when I heard West’s words and wanting to ask him one question: When your daughter North comes home with a 30-year-old when she’s 17, will you be willing to stand behind your words then?

Hopefully, you’ll be a better father.

Because you sure stink as a big brother… sj favicon 3

Photo: Kylie Jenner, 17, via Instagram

denise clay 2Denise Clay is a veteran journalist, a former adjunct professor, and an active member of the National Association of Black Journalists. She is a regular contributor to Solomonjones.com. Click here to learn more about Denise.