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Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hit Philly

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hit Philly

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I watched Hillary Clinton when she took the stage Wednesday at the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention at the Sheraton Hotel in Center City. Her remarks, while pointed, and often poignant, were not delivered with the fervor of a gifted speaker.

Rather, Clinton speaks in measured tones that are explanatory rather than rousing. Her speeches are more often like classroom lessons than heated pep rallies.  But her words are delivered with the quiet confidence of someone who has done the things she speaks about.

Compare her to Bernie Sanders, who was also in town on Wednesday. He drew thousands of young people to an event at Temple University, where he preached political revolution with a gesticulating and passionate speaking style.

The difference in delivery is perhaps the reason that the lesser-known Sanders has been able to mount such a spirited challenge to the frontrunner for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

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Photo: Hillary Clinton at Impact Services in Philadelphia, by Solomon Jones

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon.