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Questions on the Edward Snowden leaks

Questions on the Edward Snowden leaks

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THE EDWARD SNOWDEN leaks came with claims of patriotism, but when I look at Snowden, it’s hard to see beyond his hypocrisy.

Hailed as a hero by his supporters for releasing thousands of classified documents concerning American surveillance programs to media outlets, Snowden maintains that he acted out of loyalty to America. The authorities disagree and have charged him with violating the Espionage Act. Snowden, who left the country before he could be arrested, was granted temporary political asylum in Russia.

But if, as Snowden claims, he acted because he believed in the U.S. Constitution, wouldn’t that same belief compel him to submit to U.S. justice? If he believed he was acting in support of the American people, wouldn’t he stand alongside those who defend him? I believe he would. But Snowden fled the country, and those are not the actions of a man driven by principle. They are the actions of a man driven by fear.

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