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Dear black people: The immigrant battle is our fight, too

Dear black people: The immigrant battle is our fight, too

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I WATCHED with mixed emotions as my elected representatives rushed to the aid of immigrants and refugees whose rights had been violated by the Trump administration.

They were right to speak out. President Trump’s ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries was unconstitutional. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when ordinary citizens joined with elected officials to protest.

But even as an African American who supports immigrant rights, it was hard for me to watch the same politicians who are silent on the shootings of unarmed blacks run breathlessly to the aid of foreigners.

I’ve heard from many African Americans who share that same frustration. Not only because our politicians stand up for immigrants and fail to do so for us, but also because we’ve all encountered immigrants who look down on the black community while at the same time seeking our help.

But I need black people to hear this: Joining this fight is not only about protecting immigrants. It is about protecting the Constitution, because the same Fifth Amendment that grants due process and equal protection to immigrants grants those same rights to us.

In the age of Donald Trump, we’re going to need those rights.

Click here to read more about the immigrant battle on Philly.com

Photo: No Ban, No Wall Protest at PHL Airport Joe Piette/ Flickr Creative Commons

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Solomon Jones is an Essence bestselling author and award-winning columnist. He is the creator and editor of Solomonjones.com and morning host on 900 am WURD radio. Click here to learn more about Solomon.